Thursday, August 9, 2018

August 12: Righting Wrongs (New Title)

"I'm sorry" is perhaps the most difficult phrase for many of us to utter, especially if we are apologizing on behalf of someone else for something we didn't take part in. But, this is exactly what King David did in 2 Samuel 21:1-14. He not only apologized but sought to right the wrongs of the past because he realized that God was judging the nation for the sins of the past. 
Not only can we learn some principles for righting wrongs from this session; we can also point to Christ, the ultimate example of One who righted the wrongs of sin on our behalf.

While working with a ministry organization, I experienced one of the most difficult events. One of my team members moved forward prematurely with a decision that deeply offended someone from another part of the organization. While I was not the one directly responsible for her decision, I was her manager and I believed I needed to right the wrong. I knew that I needed to try to help the person who was offended and that our team would be judged based on one person's actions. I went to the offended leader and apologized personally without throwing my team member under the bus. I took full responsibility. Sadly, my apology was not accepted, but I did what I thought was right and, to this day, I feel released from any further responsibility.

This session could lead many in your group to discuss similar situations or to consider some of the social issues that are being dealt with today related to righting past wrongs. Consider using some of the following as you prepare to guide the session along with the downloadable supplemental teaching ideas.

Consider searching the internet for stories about righting wrongs, or use the following as your opening illustration: Righting Past Wrongs Illustration (Click to read and download)

The following video begins in the middle of an overview of this passage from Gene Getz. Listen to his commentary, his challenge related to taking responsibility, the relationship to Christ and His atonement for our sins, and his personal story of taking responsibility. Consider using the content or the video as a part of your conclusion.

Before you listen, read 2 Samuel 21:7-14.

Covenants were to be taken very seriously in that day, and Saul had broken it which implicated the entire nation. World history is rampant with broken treaties and promises (covenants). Even Catholic and protestant churches have a history of needing to right past wrongs. Personally, we observe or have experienced broken covenants and promises – in marriages, with friends, family members, or in the workplace. All of us have been the offenders or been offended by someone else at some point in our lives. This is evidence that we live in a fallen world. Whether it be out of ignorance or blatant selfishness, we are prone to be covenant breakers; therefore, we have to be willing to right wrongs, even if we feel we aren't guilty. We also must be willing to accept the apology of others so that we can move forward in life and continue to experience the blessings of God.

I pray that God will use this session to help us learn principles that will help us respond appropriately when it comes to righting wrongs.