Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 20, 2013

We shift our attention this week from the study of Amos to a focus on the sanctity of human life. The Southern Baptist Convention recognizes the third Sunday in January as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and LifeWay curriculum is designed to support that emphasis. Below are some videos, resources, and study helps for you to reference as you prepare:

The Target 
Focus on what adults should leave 
knowing, understanding, and doing.

Lesson Goal: To help adults affirm the sanctity of human life and decide to support efforts to provide alternatives to abortion, violence, and other threats to human life.

Question to Answer: What can I do to help build a community that values all human life?

Look Up
Use "Soft Methods" to draw attention to the study as adults are visiting and gathering for Bible study.

Option One: Write on a marker board the statement: "When I see a baby I . . ." You could either ask the group to write on the board their responses or lead a discussion once adults are seated.

Option Two: Bring in various pictures of babies and place in chairs around the room or display pictures of babies using PowerPoint. When you are ready to focus on the Bible study call attention to the pictures and discuss what came to their mind as they saw the pictures.

Use these activities to focus the adults on the context and goal of the lesson. Transition to the first teaching point for the study.

Look In
Ideas for communicating and studying the Word.

The context this week is more topical in nature. The following resources might help set the stage:
Genesis 1:26-27
Discussion Ideas:
  • How does knowing God created everyone in His image impact the way we view others? the way we treat others? (QuickSource, p38)
  • How can we show respect for all human life, even those considered to be on the margins of society (the elderly, the unborn, the weak, the poor.)? (QuickSource, p38)
  • What sets humanity apart from the rest of creation? (Leader Guide, p92)
  • Discovery Study Guide teaching plan video suggestion: You Are Special by Max Lucado 
  • Image Illustration:  The Lincoln Memorial represents an image of what he stood for, yet it is flawed. The word "future" is misspelled as "euture" in the Second Inauguration speech that's carved on an interior wall. God created men and women in His image. We all have flaws whether it be spiritual(sin), physical, mental, or emotional. Yet we are still created in His image. We are to represent Him and what He stands for.
  • God intentionally placed the imago Dei ("image of God") within humanity. How does bearing the "image of God" give value to an unborn baby? To an elderly or ill adult? To a person with special needs? (Discovery Study Guide, p57)
Exodus 1:15-17
  • How do many in society, even Christians, regard life as expendable, depending on personal plans? (Leader Guide, p92)
  • How do people today still use comfort, complacency, or misguided compassion to rationalize abortion?
  • Identify the reasons why the Hebrew midwives did not kill the children. (They knew it was wrong because they feared God). For them, taking this risk was important. They were driven by conviction.
Psalms 139:13-16
Discussion Options:
  • See Extra teaching helps by clicking on the tab above.
  • Based on these passages, what do you think God sees in a baby that is is healthy? is not healthy?  is aborted? (Someone He created, wonderful, remarkable, etc.)
October Baby Movie Clips and Information:
Mark 10:13-16
Prayer Request from the Missionary Moment Planning Guide
January 20, 2013: A DEVASTATING FAMINE
Morning: (NAME) More than half of Somalia’s population—more than 3.7 million people, including 400,000 children—is at risk as Somalia continues in a devastating famine. The famine, coupled with military unrest and anarchy in parts of the country, has complicated the already volatile lives of Somalis. “It’s a sort of disaster on a disaster,” said DREW CARSON,* a Christian leader among the peoples of Northern Africa and the Middle East. Southern Baptists are actively involved in giving and going to minister during this time of crisis. May we continue to be obedient in our giving so that lives might be saved on earth, and for eternity. Pray for Somalia’s population and others in need as we remember the value of life today as we observe the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.
*Name changed.

Look Out 
Hitting the target and applying it to daily living.
  • How can we guard against complacency about the threats to human life? (Leader Guide, p93)
  • What practical steps can you take to show you value human life? (QuickSource, p38)
  • Refer back to the introduction of the study if you used the pictures of babies as an illustration. Ask the group how they might respond to the statement, "When I see a baby I . . ." based on what we discussed during this Bible study?
One final thought.
There might be ladies in your groups who have experienced an abortion. Please be sure to emphasize God's forgiveness to those who have made such a decision. Also, you can remind your group about the LIFE class that is meeting on Sunday nights off-campus that focuses on healing the pain left from an abortion.

Here is the contact info if someone needs it: 
Sandy Lamb:, 615-268-7317
Tabitha Mondrage:, 615-481-0283