Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 7: Living Wisely (Study in Proverbs 1)

Do you remember any of the old sayings you learned growing up? Some of the ones I learned were pretty humorous, yet practical. Most had a lesson that I could quickly recall.  We begin our new study of the book of Proverbs this week. It will help your group learn how to live wisely in a foolish world by giving them direction regarding some of the God-given sayings included in the book of Proverbs.

The study of the book of Proverbs begins with Proverbs 1:7-19. It is certainly a God-appointed time for studying this book, especially this passage, based on all that we have recently experienced. The downloadable teaching ideas provide some very specific applications to our current state of affairs in our country.

The ideas give you a "script" for teaching online or sharing via email. This week's includes a suggested humorous video you can send to your group in advance.

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The following elements have been adjusted in order to bring more clarity to the purpose of this session.

Title: Living Wisely

Target (The point of the session): How do I live wisely in a foolish world?

  • Living Wisely Begins with Fearing God - Proverbs 1:7
  • Living Wisely Means We Listen to Those Who are Wise - Proverbs 1:8-9
  • Living Wisely Means We Will Think Before We Act - Proverbs 1:10-19
Consider sharing this link with your group if you are unable to meet online, or share it with your church members who aren't connected to a group.