Monday, May 13, 2019

May 19: Jesus Prepares

Jesus prepared to pay the price for our sin, submitting to the Father’s plan. We should follow His example as we prepare to live for Him daily. This is the focus of the Explore The Bible Study: Jesus Prepares, as we look at Jesus' days leading up to His death in Mark 14:3-36.

Jesus knew what lay ahead, but He still had to prepare for what He is about to face. As the disciples observe His time of preparation it is met with confusion because they did not have the same outlook of the future that Jesus had.

The downloadable teaching ideas will look at two examples of how Jesus prepared for what He was about to face. In the days leading up to His sacrifice, He prepared by allowing others to “pour into His life”  and He spent an agonizing time in prayer in order to gain strength for what He was about to face.

We need to learn from His experience about the high price Jesus paid for our sins. We should also understand how important it is for us to prepare to live for Jesus daily.