Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 24: Delivered

God uses faithful and courageous servants to deliver His people. This is the TARGET for this week's Explore the Bible Study: Delivered. In this case the person God used was David, but He can use you too! Here are some ideas to help your group understand how they can demonstrate heroic faith.

LOOK UP: Getting focused on the text.
  • Display (on a markerboard): “Hero”
  • Direct (As adults enter): Write on the markerboard the name of someone you consider to be a hero.
  • Discuss (once most adults have gathered):  Why would you say this person is a hero? How would you define a hero?
  • Transition: As we look at David’s faith and his acts of heroism we should evaluate whether we are more like Saul, the soldiers, or David when it comes to facing the “giants” in our lives. We should ask ourselves if we are the “hero” God expects us to be so that others might be encouraged to embrace faith in Christ or to continue holding fast to their faith. We have all been anointed to stand before the Goliath's of today and to remind others that the battle is the Lords!
LOOK IN: Unpacking the text.

1 Samuel 17:32-40
What were the marks of godly confidence that David exhibited?
  • He offered encouragement to others (v.32) – How can we offer encouragement to others when their faith is challenged?
  • David volunteered to deal with Goliath personally even though he didn’t seem qualified to do so (v.32) – Have you ever stepped up to help other believers or the church in an area that is out of your area of expertise or level of comfort? Why or why not? Have you ever made the statement, “I’m not qualified to help” or “That’s not my gift”? Are heros made from those who only do what they think they can do?
  • David responded with confidence based on God’s past work in his life (vv33-37). He didn’t get defensive with Saul. – How do you respond when someone says you can’t do something for the Lord? Do you get defensive or do you look back at your past and use that as a testimony about how God could use you in the future?
  • To whom did David give credit for his strength to defeat the lion and the bear?
Guide: In verses 38-40 we see David being asked to perform a task with someone else’s armor.  He knew that this wasn’t the right fit for what God was guiding him to do.  He had to use the skills and experiences with which God had already equipped him.
  • What can we learn about David’s expertise with a sling shot from these verses? (He chose specific stones).
  • What if David had seen his sling shot expertise as something that could only be used when shepherding?
  • Do you limit God by assuming that the skills and experiences you have been given are only for certain settings? What can you learn from David?
Activity Option: Make a list of past difficulties you have faced and ways God delivered you.
  • How can God’s work in your past give you strength to face future challenges?
  • What skills or abilities did God give you through past challenges that could be used now?
  • How has this changed your perspective on serving God now?
  • Are you resolved to rely on God no matter the difficulties that may arise?
  • Are you like the Israelite army who faced difficulties and quit relying on God?
1 Samuel 17:42-50
How can the voices of those who come against us sound today? Do they yell insults at us similar to those of Goliath? How do you respond to those voices of opposition and ridicule?

What principles can we draw out of David’s response? How can we apply David’s response to the challenges we face today?
  • David did not rely on weapons and human strength. He didn’t go weaponless or without some kind of experience, but that didn’t determine his level of faith.
  • David only wanted God to be honored. David did not enter the battle to prove that he was a mighty warrior and to gain fame. He not only gave glory to God; he also set an example of faith and action for every man in the army.
  • David acknowledged that only God could determine the outcome – The battle is the Lord’s. This is not a claim that those who are on the Lord’s side always win, although David was sure he would win this time. Rather, it asserts that, win or lose, the believer can always go into conflict knowing that all things are in God’s hands.
LOOK OUT: Responding to the text.
  • Read: 1 Samuel 17:52
  • Emphasize: This was the same army that stood on the sidelines previously and trembled at the sound of Goliath’s voice.  The Israelites were afraid and defeated because they forgot who they were and who God was, but one man changed their perspective by showing, through his obedience and faith, who was really in control.
  • Challenge: The confidence in God that you display during difficult times will be an inspiration to all those around you.  God is the One who can give you that confidence! Will you become that man or woman who will demonstrate to those around you that, the battle is the Lord’s.
  • Make a list of difficulties you are facing today that rob you of your confidence in God and replace it with fear.
  • Write down observations from David’s faith that could help you overcome your fears and demonstrate a life of heroic faith.