Thursday, May 8, 2014

May 11 Teaching Helps

Proverbs 31 is a great chapter for Mother's Day. Our study will focus on the qualities of diligence, compassion, and dedication that are portrayed by the godly woman or mother. While these passages describe the ideal mother, we realize that some adults have (had) moms who possessed few or none of these qualities. Nonetheless, we can learn from this description of a godly woman what should be practiced and even learn how we can grow by applying these to our own lives.  After all, the role of a mom is to prepare her children for life after they have left home. Much of who we are today is because of the influence of a mom.

Here is a great video that you could use to emphasize all that moms do:

Here are some things to keep in mind as you teach:
  • Many adults have deep affection for their mothers and acknowledge their mothers’ influence in their lives. 
  • Some adults will carry guilt because they know that their mothers helped shape them, but that influence may not have led to them honoring God or living by biblical teachings. 
  • Some may struggle with how to show appreciation for a less-than-godly parent. Sadly, many of your group members may have grown up where some of the qualities described in Proverbs 31 were not present. 
  • Mothers Day can be very emotional for adults because their godly mothers are stricken with illness or have passed away.  
  • There may be ladies in your group who can't have children. This time is especially difficult for them.
With these thoughts in mind, focus your study on Proverbs 31 to do the following:
  • Focus on the qualities that are attributed to a godly woman/mother so that we can be reminded of the hard work of moms.
  • Help adults to look for ways to practice these traits in their own lives.
Here are a few videos that I have referenced in the teaching plan: