Wednesday, August 26, 2020

August 30: Relational Investments

This is my love, and this is my friend
is how Song of Songs 5:16 describes the love between Shulammite (Solomon's wife) and King Solomon. What do you think is required in order for a relationship to be described in this manner? This session, Relational Investment, will give you insight into investing wisely in relationships, especially the marriage relationship and your relationship with Christ.

Can you think of something that you had to work hard at obtaining? Perhaps it was a job, a position, a promotion, a house, or perhaps it was a relationship. Once you obtained it, did the hard work end? Of course not. If it was a job, you probably had to work harder in order to be successful. Or, in the case of a house, we all know that once you work hard to purchase a house you have to work even harder in order to keep the house in good shape. 

It’s no different when it comes to relationships, especially the marriage relationship. The work doesn’t stop with the wedding; it only begins. Every stage of life and situation you face together requires that you work hard to keep your relationship strong and vibrant.

This is equally true with your relationship with Christ. Salvation is only the beginning of a lifelong and eternal relationship that should be invested in daily so that your love for Him can grow and so that you can realize more fully the love He has for you.

The final passage of the session focuses on Shulammite describing her husband, Solomon, in Song of Songs 5:10-16. Her description is based on her love for him. 

Just as Shulammite lovingly describes her husband, the hymn, "Beautiful Savior" by Christiansen describes Jesus as our Beautiful Savior. It gives us a glimpse into the kind of words that  express the love we should have for Jesus Christ. Here are the words to that hymn: 

Beautiful Savior,
King of Creation,
Son of God and Son of Man!
Truly I'd love Thee,
Truly I'd serve Thee,
Light of my soul, my Joy, my Crown.

Fair are the meadows,
Fair are the woodlands,
Robed in flowers of blooming spring;
Jesus is fairer,
Jesus is purer;
He makes our sorrowing spirit sing.

Beautiful Savior,
Lord of the nations,
Son of God and Son of Man!
Glory and honor,
Praise, adoration,
Now and forevermore be Thine,

Now and forevermore be Thine!

I pray this hymn helps you understand the love for Jesus Christ that should be growing in our hearts.

I want you to consider the way you are using wisdom to strengthen your marriage, family, and your relationship with Christ. After this session, spend time in prayer offering thanksgiving to God for creating you for a relationship with others and with Him. Pray that God will lead you to protect your relationships in both word and action. Thank Him for the gift of love He provided through His Son, Jesus Christ.

The ideas give you a suggested "script" for teaching online or sharing via email.

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