Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 14: Be Loyal

Now that spring break is past, let's regroup our groups and move forward, anticipating with faith the work God has in store for us. I would encourage you to ask your ministry leaders to contact their groups to make sure we exhort everyone to get back into the habit of attending Connect Group.

Information and Reminders

Don't forget the training on using this Sunday night. 
This is all part of our GPS focus on God as we learn how to Teach the Bible and how we teach People how to Study and Live the Bible. Here are some ways it will help you as a teacher:
  • Saves you research time and expands your research capabilities.
  • Save notes and bookmarks for later use.
  • Share texts and ideas with your group via email.
  • Expand your teaching ideas. There are videos and other elements that can be brought into the classroom.
  • Bible study skills development. We will practice using the Explore the Bible passages for our April 21 lesson.
  • Everyone (teachers as well as all adults) will learn how to use the site with personal Bible study.
Have you enlisted your team to attend the April 28 training?
Shepherding Your Sheep: Connect Group Ministry Training - 6:00 pm.
This is for every teacher, co-teacher, and your current/potential class ministry leaders.

This Weeks Bible Study
I have prepared a complete lesson this week instead of suggestions. That is because I had an idea that I believe would work well in helping us hit the target. Still, you may use all or part of my suggestions.

Focus on what adults should leave knowing, understanding, and doing.
Adults will be able to identify elements of loyalty Paul outlined for Timothy. They will answer the questions, "What do I need to do in order to remain loyal, and how can I help others remain loyal to Christ?"

Resources to Consider Using (This is something new to help you get ready)
Don't forget to use the following to supplement your ETB Leader Guide, Discovery Study Guide Teaching Plan (online), or QuickSource. Don't forget to check out EXTRA! too.
  • Letterhead Handout: Consider the handout I have prepared, or prepare your own. The handout is a simple letterhead that can be used throughout the study. One copy should be provided for each person. I will place a copy in your tub for you to use as a master if you want to make copies Sunday morning. Click here to see handout.
  • There are two images that are suggested in the various teaching plans (Winston Churchill and Hachiko the Dog). I have placed the images on PowerPoint slides. You may print them or use the PowerPoint. Click here if you want to use the images.
  • Pronunciation Helps: Click the following words to hear the pronunciations - Onesiphorus ---- Phygelus ---- Hermogenes

  • See a picture of what Paul's prison might have looked like  in order to gain a perspective on Paul's final days as he wrote 2 Timothy. Click Here
  • The Book of Acts ends with Paul in prison in Rome. The content of the Pastoral Epistles and the tradition of the early church remind us that the Roman authorities released Paul after two years. After his release, Paul continued to engage in ministry, including writing 1 Timothy and Titus. Eventually, however, Paul was arrested again and imprisoned in Rome. The apostle likely wrote 2 Timothy during this second and final Roman imprisonment, prior to his death. (ETB Adult Commentary, p70)
  • At the time of Paul's final imprisonment, the emperor Nero was near the bitter end of his life and reign. He was an early persecutor of Christians and was reputed to have impaled and burned alive captured believers in his garden at night. (ETB Leader Guide, p76)
  • 2 Timothy has been called the apostle Paul's "last will and testament." (ETB Leader Guide, p76)
Look Up: "Soft Methods" to draw attention to the study as adults are visiting and gathering for Bible study.
Option 1 - Write the following statements on the markerboard prior to the session: "How do you define loyalty?," "Loyalty is considered to be a thing of the Past," or display the picture of Hachiko the dog (you may print and distribute the picture of the dog in advance if PowerPoint is unavailable). Once adults have gathered, discuss the questions. Tell the story of Hachiko the dog (See ETB Leader Guide Teaching Suggestions under Get Started, p82.

Option 2 - Display or distribute the picture of Winston Churchill. Use the Discovery Guide Study Guide Teaching Plan steps under Get Started to guide the discussion. Emphasize the trials Churchill experienced as he tried to warn England for 20 years of the impending dangers from Hitler. He was faithful to the role he believed to have been divinely handed over to him. (Discovery Study Guide, p50). Click here to see the plan.

Transition - Paul wrote this letter while in prison. Paul knew his fate and was preparing Timothy to carry on the work he had begun. He knew his earthly pilgrimage was ending and he wanted Timothy to have a written record of his final thinking, after a lifetime of knowing Christ and following Him. We want to identify elements of loyalty Paul outlined and determine what we need to do in order to remain loyal to Christ. We also want to explore how we can encourage others to remain loyal.

Look In: Supplemental ideas for unpacking the text.
2 Timothy 1:3-8  Remember Your Spiritual Heritage
Distribute the Letterhead Handout.
  • Ask for a volunteer to read scripture while instructing the group to listen for  how the tone of this letter differs from that of 1 Timothy. Discuss their observations.
  • Assignment: Imagine you have just received a letter from someone who had the greatest influence on you spiritually. What might that person say to you based on this passage? Write the first paragraph of the letter. Ask several to share their thoughts.
Discussion Questions:
  • What are some ways we can keep ablaze the gift of God within us?
  • Who are some others who have influenced you spiritually?
  • How can remembering those who influenced us help us remain loyal and not have a "spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love and sound judgment?" (2 Timothy 1:7)
Transition - Paul continues his letter by reminding Timothy to remain loyal, not only because of his heritage and Paul's commitment to Timothy, but because of who Christ is and what He did to provide salvation.

2 Timothy 1:9-10  Remember the Greatness of Your Salvation
Read the passage or ask a volunteer to read. Instruct the group to identify how Paul described the power of God. Discuss their findings. Include the following:
  • God saved us.
  • God called us.
  • It was only through Christ Jesus that we have salvation, not of our works.
  • Christ was God and was with God since the beginning. He was not a created being.
  • Christ lived.
  • Christ abolished death.
  • Christ brought life and immortality.
Discussion Questions:
  • How can knowing this help Timothy not be ashamed?
  • How does not being ashamed help us remain loyal?
  • How does remembering the power of God through Christ help us remain loyal?
Assignment: What might your spiritual mentor say to you based on this passage? Write the second paragraph of the letter. Ask several to share.

Transition -  Paul provided many theological and practical reasons for Timothy to remain loyal in his ministry, but the heart of his argument was this foundational truth - God saved us and called us, not according to our works but according to His own purpose and grace (DSG, p52). Now Paul explains why he is not ashamed.

2 Timothy 1:11-15  Follow Those Who are Unashamed
Read 2 Timothy 1:11-15. Point out that Paul states he was appointed a herald, apostle, and teacher.
  • What kind of shame could these positions bring upon him?
  • How can you suffer and not feel ashamed?
  • What kind of suffering or ridicule might we face today if we stand up for our faith?
  • How would you feel if you faced some of these circumstances? Would it make you feel ashamed or embarrassed? Why or why not?
  • Can we write, "I am not ashamed" across all that we might face because of our belief in Christ?
  • How can Paul's last sentence in verse 12 motivate us to remain loyal even when we might be shamed or looked down upon by others?
  • Why would Paul point out the disloyalty of Hermogenes and Phygelus to Timothy?
  • What key phrases in verses 13 & 14 describe the advice Paul gave to Timothy that would keep him from going down the same path? ("hold on" and "guard")
  • How would these actions help him(us) remain loyal? (Timothy heard sound teaching from Paul and had the Holy Spirit providing him strength to remain loyal.)
Assignment: What might your spiritual mentor say to you based on this passage? Write the third paragraph of the letter. Ask several to share.

Transition: Read Acts 14:19-20. While some may consider public punishments, like the stoning Timothy saw Paul endure in his hometown of Lystra, to be embarrassing; Paul was not ashamed. He was willing to suffer because he was persuaded that the One (Jesus) in whom he had placed his trust and formed a relationship was able to guard the relationship and all that came with it (DSG, p52). He exhorts Timothy to "hold on to" and to "guard" all that God has done for Him. He contrasts this with some who did not hold on to or guard their faith. But he also gave Timothy another positive example of someone who has been loyal to the faith.

2 Timothy 1:16-18  Support Those Who are Unashamed
Read 2 Timothy 1:16-18. Ask the group to identify the actions and attitudes that describe Onesiphorus' loyalty to the faith. (refreshed Paul, not ashamed of Paul's chains, diligently searched for Paul in Rome, he ministered at Ephesus)

Explain: All we know about Onesiphorus is found in these verses and in a greeting to his family from Paul in 2 Timothy 4:19. Apparently he loved Paul enough to search and locate him, a prisoner, in one of the largest cities in the world. We also know that he must have been a strong ministry leader in Ephesus, where Timothy was serving.
  • Why would Paul give Timothy someone else, other than himself, as an example of loyalty?
  • Imagine you are Onesiphorus, and Timothy comes by your house to share with you this letter from Paul? How would that encourage you to remain loyal?
Assignment: What might your spiritual mentor say to you based on this passage? Write the fourth paragraph of the letter. Ask several to share.

Look Out: Hitting the target and applying it to daily living.
Identify someone who watches your spiritual life closely. Consider preparing a letter to him/her this week. As you write your letter, evaluate the letter you prepared today from your mentor.
  • What parts of the letter would remain the same, because theyare true of you.
  • What would you have to change because it isn't true of you?
  • What could you add that would help?