Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 7 Teaching Helps: Hebrews 1

When was the last time someone sat down with you, encouraging you to keep living your faith and explaining why you should remain steadfast in your faith? You have a chance as you teach the book of Hebrews to do just what the writer of Hebrews intended to do. You can offer encouragement to your group while explaining why you should not give up, give in, or look elsewhere for fulfillment that can only be found in Christ. The LifeWay Explore the Bible: Who is Jesus? study helps us begin this journey of encouragement as we focus on Hebrews 1.

We live in an "if this, then this" world. If we make money, then we will be happy. If we get that promotion, then we will be respected. If we move to a certain size home, then we will have all the room we need. If we buy a certain car, everyone will know we have arrived. The list can go on and on.

Sadly, many have applied this formulaic approach to following Christ as well. If I just follow Christ, then (you fill in the blank). While we do have the promise of abundant life in Christ now and the promise of eternal life with Christ in the future, we can get disillusioned and disheartened.  Sadly, some, yes many, walk away from their supposed faith because life with Christ didn't give them what they thought they deserved.

The original readers of the Book of Hebrews were at the point of going back to old practices and even turning to new religious practices, thinking that "if we do this, then this will happen." Then God led a man with a pastoral heart to write a letter of encouragement, reminding them of who Jesus was and is.

As you prepare to teach each study of the Book of Hebrews ask God to give you the heart of a pastor for his people. I pray God will use you and this series of studies to restore the joy that some might have lost or discover the joy that comes in fully surrendering to Christ!

Below are some study helps for you as you prepare and some videos you might consider using during the teaching time. You can download the entire teaching plan as well. I have also provided links to training helps from LifeWay.


(Sermon by Dr. Argile Smith at Northside Baptist Church)



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