Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 7 Teaching Helps

The Explore the Bible: Deliverance is Needed study begins our focus on the book of Esther. As we embark on this study you will see how God used Mordecai and Esther to help further His plan of deliverance for His people. While they were on this journey, they had to learn, as we have to learn, how to remain faithful to God while navigating an increasingly foreign and hostile culture.

The following video gives you an overview of all three books we will be studying this quarter. You might want to consider using Tony's introduction to Esther as a part of your group plan.

Other Ways to Prepare:
  • Read Esther 1-2 and highlight major events, people, and actions leading up to the unfolding events of chapter 3.
  • Consider if you might use the illustration provided in this week's ETB EXTRA!
  • Learn word pronunciations: (Click to Listen)

Be Careful . . .
These passages describe a culture that was ready to embrace genocide. This picture has been repeated throughout history, especially against the Jews. We understand by the progression laid out in these passages, what can take place in a society or country that is manipulated by individuals to blame, hate, and eventually destroy a group.
There are many social, moral, and legal injustices taking place today that could cause us to use these passages to discuss personal prejudices and political opinions. While these should not be ignored and are certainly examples of what we see taking place in the culture in which Haman and Esther lived, we must focus on the work God was doing through these two individuals. While we should certainly learn from this study how NOT to become contributors to hate for any racial, ethnic, religious, or national group, we must remain focused on the TARGET of the study:
 God used Mordecai and Esther to help further His plan of deliverance for His people. While they were on this journey, they had to learn, as we have to learn, how to remain faithful while navigating an increasingly foreign and hostile culture.


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