Wednesday, February 9, 2022

February 13: Trust Exhibited

Most believers would say that they trust God. While we trust Him for salvation, how do we fair when it comes to trusting God with our daily lives? This brings us to a question, “When believers say they trust God, what do they really mean?" Do they really trust God? Trust Exhibited, will challenge you to consider how you answer this question.

Daniel was one who continued to trust God, but his trust was about to be put to another major test. Daniel 6:1 tells us that King Darius had appointed 120 officials, called satraps, to administer his kingdom. He also chose three administrators, including Daniel, to oversee the satraps (6:2). Daniel distinguished himself in service so well that the king considered appointing him over the entire kingdom (6:3).

However, Darius’ favor toward Daniel did not please the other officials. They tried to find something they could blame on Daniel, but they found no charge to bring against him due to his trustworthiness (6:4). They finally determined to trap him with something regarding his relationship with God (6:5). They suggested to the king that he establish a decree that for thirty days, anyone who petitioned or prayed to any god or person beside the king would face death in a den of lions (6:6-9). The king signed the edict, which meant it could not be changed.

Let’s see how much Daniel would trust God when faced with this major decision. If Daniel were here today, he would want you to know that you should keep trusting God because of what you already know about Him, His power, and His character. We can and should trust God in all circumstances as Daniel did.

Here are three principles that will help you exhibit trust in God when your faith is challenged.

First, trust in God is only possible through a consistent relationship with Him – Daniel 6:10-14.

As an eighty-year-old man, Daniel did what he had consistently done for decades. He opened the windows in the upstairs room toward Jerusalem; He prayed three times a day, on his knees. And he gave thanks to his God. Today, many Jewish people choose to face Jerusalem when they pray. Ancient synagogues in Israel are normally oriented toward Jerusalem. Praying in this consistent manner provided visible expression of Daniel’s desire that one day, God’s people would return home to Jerusalem.

Notice this group of men who found Daniel praying were part of the same crowd who petitioned the king earlier for an edict regarding the worship of the king.

The king's officials knew Daniel would be praying because he had demonstrated a consistent walk with God. Daniel did not alter his consistency because of circumstances. This consistent relationship with God gave him strength to keep trusting God, even when he faced challenges to his faith.

Why would Daniel make such a big deal out of this edict? After all, it was just 30 days. Couldn’t he have just prayed in private and not opened the window during those 30 days? What are your thoughts on this kind of rationalization? What other ways might someone rationalize a compromise in this situation?

If you had been in Daniel’s position, would anyone desire to create a petition that would prohibit you from demonstrating your faith?

If we wait until something happens to become consistent, we will most likely compromise, become discouraged, lash out in a fit of anger, or respond in such a way that doesn’t demonstrate our trust in God.

In what ways can consistency be demonstrated in a believer’s life today? How does consistency in one’s relationship with God help strengthen one’s trust in Him?

A consistent, ongoing relationship with God will give us strength to trust Him during challenging times because we will have come to know Him as the God we can trust in all circumstances!

Second, trusting God doesn’t mean you won’t face disappointments and challenges – Daniel 6:15-18.

Notice the way in which the cards were stacked against Daniel. First, the men went together to the king. Some of these men might have been acquaintances of his. They might have served alongside of him on projects. But now, they had all turned against him. 

Have you ever had people turn against you because of your faith? How did you respond? What did you feel? Did it cause you to question if trusting God was worth it?

Not only did these men turn against Daniel, but there was the edict the king had been manipulated into signing. They had trapped the king with his own decree to get rid of Daniel. By this point, Darius certainly perceived his officials’ malicious intent; nevertheless, his decree was irrevocable. The king obviously respected and cared for Daniel, but he had to honor the edict or risk a rebellion in the country. 

When we trust God, even with circumstances beyond our control, those who don’t believe but have observed us will view us differently as we face persecution. Many times, when believers face persecution, they will discover unbelievers who are advocates because they know the persecution is unfounded.

Lastly, Trusting God is a testimony to God’s sovereignty and power – Daniel 6:19-24.

Notice the king’s compassion for Daniel. What does this reveal regarding his respect for Daniel? What does it communicate regarding how Daniel lived before the king?

We notice that he referred to his servant as Daniel, servant of the living God. He had come to recognize Daniel’s consistent relationship with God and that Daniel’s God was not like the gods of his kingdom. Darius must have been shocked to hear Daniel’s voice coming from the den.

Notice that Daniel did not respond with anger or a self-centered, spiteful, vengeful attitude. He demonstrated trust in God by acting humbly while still acknowledging respect and loyalty to this pagan king.

When we face difficulties today, do we tend to throw them back in the face of God or those who have hurt us? Or do we continue to demonstrate trust in God by the way we respond? Do we still demonstrate respect to those in authority even when God works in ways that prove them wrong?

The text affirms the reason for Daniel’s deliverance—for he trusted in his God. This was the testimony of Sovereign, Almighty God before a pagan culture and a captive group of His people. The result of God’s work in Daniel’s life was far-reaching. Not only did the deceptive leaders pay for their manipulation; Darius sent word throughout his kingdom that people should honor Daniel’s God, who was able to do incredible wonders, including saving Daniel from the lions (6:25-27). And, Daniel continued trusting God and serving in the Persian court (6:28).

What About Today?

The account of Daniel in the lions’ den reminds us that we can trust God in all circumstances. Others may try to limit our faith or discourage us from taking our faith too seriously. Sometimes we may even face persecution that challenges our faith and threatens our way of life and maybe life itself. While the outcome isn’t always physical deliverance, the way we trust God as we go through difficulties will demonstrate to a watching world that God can be trusted. 

Jeremiah 17:7-8 (CSB) reminds us that: The person who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed. He will be like a tree planted by water: it sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn’t fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit.

Is this a picture of your trust in the Lord? If not, what needs to change?

The downloadable teaching helps provide more details for this study, along with some tools you can use in guiding a group Bible study. Be sure to use this as a supplement to your study of the Explore the Bible Study resources provided by LifeWay.