Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 30 Teaching Helps and Announcements


Bible Study Helps

One person gives freely, yet gains more; another withholds what is right, only to become poor.
Proverbs 11:24

While studying the passages this week I was reminded of how work involves so much more than what we do for an employer or as a boss. Working honorably also applies to how we work at being Godly spouses, parents, and church members. It involves working diligently, faithfully, and consistently. It involves honoring commitments, planning for the future, working with others, and helping those in need.

With that said, I have expanded the work principles laid out in our study this week to include our work in our jobs, homes, and churches. I feel that honoring God in our work goes beyond just the workplace. Honoring God in our work should include, not only, how we do our jobs but how we work as faithful members of a family and as members of the body of Christ.

As you teach this week, please be sensitive to those who have been affected by the economic times we live in. You will be facing people in your groups who might not have the money or the jobs they once had. They may feel devastated and defeated by the economic woes they have faced. This study should not lead them to think that they are slackers if their current economic situation was something beyond their control or choosing. Use this study to encourage them not to give up, and to continue being faithful.

Please be aware of two extremes as well. We should not teach that, if you work hard, you won't lose your job. This is not true in today's economic climate. The other extreme is that if you don't have a job, you are a slacker. This is not always the case.

TARGET: You goal is to help adults identify ways they can honor God in their work on the job, at home, and in the church.