Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 14 Teaching Helps: Pay Attention

As believers, our faith is firmly anchored in Christ, but this doesn’t mean we do not have a tendency to drift, dragging our anchor with us.  David Jeremiah stated in this week's Explore the Bible Study: Pay Attention, that:
When we become preoccupied with life to the extent that we have little time to develop our spiritual core, then drifting is inevitable - David Jeremiah
While we might be able to pinpoint certain circumstances that cause someone to drift, most of the time we drift simply because we quit paying attention to our Christian walk with the Lord. Sadly many wake up realizing they have drifted away, lost sight of shore, and don’t really know how to find their way back.

This week's study gives you an opportunity to help group members examine their faith, determine whether they have or are drifting, and to use the words of the writer of Hebrews to challenge them to bring focus back to the great salvation God has given!
  • Encourage your group to memorize Hebrews 2:1
  • Check out the questions in the downloadable teaching plan.
  • Use the anchor image to capture your group members' attention.
  • Use the video by Lee Strobel to generate discussion when looking at the phrase, "What we have heard" in Hebrews 2:1.
 Ultimately, we must examine, give attention to, cherish and treasure our salvation and not neglect it.

Salvation in Jesus should be treasured, not neglected! 
(ETB Adult Personal Study Guide, p.27)


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