Wednesday, June 20, 2018

June 24: Established

All of us come to Christ with concerns about health, prosperity, success in life, and possibly the mark we want to make or leave on this world. God cares about these things. When King David came to God desiring to build a "House" for the LORD, he felt it was a worthy project. Perhaps David also felt it would be his legacy. But, God had other plans for David. God's plans were much greater than David could have ever imagined or requested. This week's session, Established, focuses on God's plans for David from one of the most significant theological passages in the Old Testament. 

2 Samuel 7:8-21 introduces us to the promises of God, not only for David, but for his descendents and for all mankind. It would be through David's lineage that the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ, would come to provide salvation for all who would respond. What a promise! What a blessing! What a legacy!

As your group focuses on those promises, consider two things: (1) How the promises to David impact us today. (2) How the promises of God help strengthen our faith and give us hope.

Lead your group to consider the following as you conclude your session:
  • What they can learn from David regarding how to respond to God’s promises today – whether it be the promise of eternal life, a relationship with Christ, or other promises in Scripture.
  • The feelings and thoughts that come to mind when they consider how the promises given to David find their ultimate fulfillment through Jesus Christ.
  • How God's promises to David help us rest in the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
  • How God's promises of salvation and other promises from God help us face uncertainties about the future.
The following diagram is included in the downloadable teaching helps as a one-page sheet that can be printed and distributed to guide the discussion on 2 Samuel 7:11-17.

God’s Promise to David
Future Fulfillment
The Lord Himself will make a house for you. (v.11b)

David was not to build the house, but the LORD would, in His timing. David had sought to build a house (= temple) for the Lord, but the Lord would instead build a house (= dynasty) for David. That dynasty would continue until the coming of Jesus Christ.
Your descendent will reign over a kingdom established by God. (v.12)

The family of David did rule over Israel for more than four centuries but was eventually removed because of evil added upon evil. Yet out of the “stump” of Jesse, God raised up a new branch (Jesus Christ) that will reign for ever and ever (Isaiah 11:1-2).

“Look, the days are coming” — this is the Lord’s declaration — “when I will raise up a Righteous Branch for David. He will reign wisely as king and administer justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. This is the name he will be called: The Lord Is Our Righteousness. (Jeremiah 23:5-6)
Your son will build a house for God. (v.12-13)
The physical temple was built by David’s son, Solomon.

Jesus is building the Father a magnificent house (Hebrews 3:3-6) in the sense that we are God’s temple (1 Peter 2:5) and the church is God’s new house. Don't you yourselves know that you are God's temple and that the Spirit of God lives in you? (1 Corinthians 3:16) – We are God’s tabernacle!
I will be his father, and he will be my son. When he does wrong, I will discipline him with a rod of men and blows from mortals. (v.14)

God’s faithful love will never leave him. (v.15)

God’s mercies never departed from Solomon, though he sinned and was disciplined by God.

The Father’s mercies never departed from Jesus, even when He was made sin for us. Jesus endured the rods of men and the blows of mortals for our sins. Jesus took our discipline upon His shoulders.

  • For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased!” (2 Peter 1:17)
  • But he was pierced because of our rebellion, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on him, and we are healed by his wounds. (Isaiah 53:5)
Your house and kingdom will endure before God forever. (v.16)

Now listen: You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will have no end.” (Luke 1:31-33)
Your throne will be established forever. (v.16)

For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on his shoulders . . . He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from now on and forever. (Isaiah 9:6-7)