Thursday, February 27, 2014

March 2: Seeking Wisdom's Way

Announcements -- Curriculum, Velcro, and Looking Toward Easter


Spring Towards Easter!
As you know, we are having Connect Groups on Easter. But, as we move toward Easter we want to focus on those who aren't coming or who have quit coming. For the next 7 weeks, all our ministries (preschool, children, student, and adult) have issued a challenge to our leaders to see which Connect Group will have the greatest increase in average attendance leading up to Easter Sunday, April 20th. You will have the following sheet in your box this Sunday. It indicates, at the bottom, your average attendance since January 1. Everyone will be given the opportunity to increase their average attendance between now and Easter.

The class that increases their average attendance the greatest percentage will be served a meal during your class time on Sunday, April 27. An 8:00, 11:00, and 6:30 class will each be given the honors! I hope you will use this time to focus on those we still need to reach!

Bible Study Helps
Wisdom is one of those words that is tossed around in conversations in business offices, leadership seminars, counseling sessions, and yes, even in discipleship groups. Sadly, a lot of wisdom is not wisdom at all; nor is it theologically sound. LifeWay's Explore the Bible Teaching Helps for March 2: Seeking Wisdom's Way focuses on this as we begin a study of the book of Proverbs.

We begin the study by establishing a framework for the entire message of the book. God led Solomon to use chapter one to help lay out this framework. The teaching helps I have prepared focus on this framework in the following way:
  • The Goal of Proverbs: A Guide to Wisdom (Proverbs 1:1-6)
  • The Key to Wisdom (Proverbs 1:7)
  • Gaining Wisdom Begins in the Home (Proverbs 1:8-9)
  • Don't be Enticed Away from Seeking Wisdom (Proverbs 1:10-19)
The TARGET  this week focuses on helping adults understand how the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and evaluate whether their lives reflect fear of the Lord and a passion to search for His wisdom.