Wednesday, July 3, 2019

July 7: Lasting Investments

The slippery slope of greed starts as a temptation, becomes a trap, then ultimately turns into a tragedy. This description is used in LifeWay's Explore The Bible Study: Lasting Investments, to describe the dangers of pursing wealth versus pursuing godliness. The love of money and the relentless pursuit of wealth becomes a consuming fire that burns away at one’s desire to pursue godliness. We should avoid pursuing the provisions of God more than the Provider Himself.

As you guide your group through 1 Timothy 6, challenge them to evaluate whether or not they are placing more focus on pursing godliness versus pursuing wealth and success.

Remember, Paul isn’t telling Timothy that money is evil but that “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). Money is neutral. Because someone is wealthy doesn’t mean they are less or more spiritual, nor, on the other hand, just because someone is not wealthy does not mean they are less or more spiritual.  Paul is warning us that pursuing wealth (loving money) is a trap that plunges people into destruction (1 Timothy6:9). Rich and poor believers' lives can be out of balance if the love of money consumes their daily thoughts and dictates their daily actions.

Lead your group to consider these questions at the end of your session:
  • Which consumes your time, energy, and focus more, the pursuit of wealth or the pursuit of godliness? 
  • Which concerns me more? How much money do I have or how much of me does God have? 
Video Option
Consider using the following as you guide a discussion on greed.

Paul concludes 1 Timothy 6 with these very important words which should motivate us all to pursue godliness over material wealth: Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding irreverent and empty speech and contradictions from what is falsely called knowledge. (1 Tim 6:20 CSB)

Guard your heart, guard your attitudes, guard your actions, guard your view of wealth, and, most importantly, guard the relationship with Christ which you have been given and with which you have been entrusted. This can only take place as we pursue godliness with contentment (1 Timothy 6:6).