Wednesday, August 12, 2020

August 16: Finding Honor

Are you a people watcher? I love to observe people, whether it be a mom or a dad talking with their children as they walk together, a group of adults enjoying some time together at a local park, an individual as they stroll down a path, or a young couple who are in love interacting in a restaurant. Most of us go through our days, carrying out our tasks, and never thinking that others might be observing our lives. Yet we must understand that each of us has someone who is observing our life and taking cues from how we act. If we are growing in godly wisdom, then we will be honored by our noble character. This is how the study of Proverbs 31 will help us as we focus on Finding Honor.

The book of Proverbs ends appropriately with the author sharing his observations of a godly and wise wife as she goes about her daily routines. We can learn quite a deal about the honor that comes from living a wise and godly life as we observe how the author describe his observations.

As you look at Proverbs 31:10-16 and Proverbs 31:23-31,  imagine you are watching a godly wife and mom as she goes about her weekly routine. As you read about her attributes, examine your own life and consider whether you are a person of noble character (Proverbs 31:10). Here are the attributes from these passages that describe a person of noble character:
  • Trustworthy - Proverbs 31:11
  • Good - Proverbs 31:12
  • Diligent - Proverbs 31:13-16
  • Bring Respect - Proverbs 31:23
  • Industrious - Proverbs 31:24
  • Steady - Proverbs 31:25
  • Will be Honored - Proverbs 31:28-29
  • Fear the Lord - Proverbs 31:30-31
It seems we have a shortage of people in general who reflect noble characteristics today. They seem to be as rare as the precious stones and jewels described in Proverbs 31:10. Help your group to use these character traits to evaluate their own character. Challenge them to look for ways this week to honor other believers and family members who demonstrate a noble character.

The ideas give you a suggested "script" for teaching online or sharing via email.

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Consider sharing this link with your group if you are unable to meet online, or share it with your church members who aren't connected to a group.