Thursday, February 14, 2019

February 17: Opportunity Knocks

Do we recognize when God is giving us an opportunity, and do we respond correctly? This is the question that is examined in LifeWay's Explore the Bible Study: Opportunity Knocks. In Genesis 41, Joseph is once again called upon to help, after spending two years in prison. Joseph is now given some amazing opportunities.

As you explore how Joseph responds to these opportunities, consider how you will challenge your group to have a biblical perspective of this subject, including the over-arching purpose for every opportunity God gives those who profess to follow Christ.

The Downloadable Supplemental Teaching Ideas provide an expanded set of verses to explore from Genesis 41. In addition, the entire plan is designed to challenge the group to consider how they will use the opportunities God gives them. Here is a sampling of the emphasis:
  • Genesis 41:15-32 -- Joseph did not take credit for his skills. He used the opportunity to introduce Pharaoh to God.
  • Genesis 41:33-36 -- Joseph went beyond the scope of what he was asked to do. God lead Joseph to take advantage of his opportunity to offer wisdom that could only come from God. He outlined a plan that would make it possible for Egypt to survive.
  • Genesis 41:37-40 -- Joseph's witness resulted in Pharaoh at least recognizing that Joseph's God was powerful and worked powerfully through Joseph. Because he observed how God was working through Joseph, he entrusted him with carrying out the plan Joseph outlined.
  • Genesis 41:46 -- Joseph was only thirty years old when this took place! He was young, yet wise beyond his years.
Video Option One: A Misunderstanding of Opportunities
Use the video to open up the discussion about how Christians should view opportunities differently than the ways they are viewed by the rest of the culture. Culture usually focuses on self-empowerment when it comes to opportunity. This discussion can lead your group to focus more fully into how Joseph approached opportunities and what we can learn from it as believers. Direct the group to consider these questions:
  • How does this song view man’s role in generating and creating opportunity? 
  • What is missing in these lyrics from the point of view of someone who is a professing Christian?

Video Option Two: Closing Challenge
Lead the group to consider how many opportunities they have each day to be witnesses for Christ.