Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November 25: Anticipation

Did you actually take a peak before Christmas at your gifts under the tree when you were a kid? I know I did! I just couldn't wait any longer without doing something to find out what was in my packages. As followers of Christ, we can not only look forward with anticipation to the celebration of Christ the baby each year, but we also have the privilege of anticipating the second return of Christ! The Explore the Bible Study: Anticipation, will help us learn what we are to do while we anticipate the return of Christ.

We are coming to the end of our study of James. In James 5:7-20, we are given some imperatives regarding how  we should live while we anticipate the return of Christ.

The downloadable teaching ideas will follow this progression and make the following points. Be sure to check out the discussion and information provided.
  • Be Patient as you Anticipate the Lord's Return - James 5:7-11
  • Be Consistent as you Anticipate the Lord's Return - James 5:12
  • Be a Prayer Warrior as you Anticipate the Lord's Return - James 5:13-17
  • Be a Restorer as you Anticipate the Lord's Return - James 5:19-20
Consider using the following video as a part of your introduction.

The following sermon from Jack Graham, Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church provides some great information related specifically to James 5:13-17.