Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 4: United in Christ

While the cross is divisive in the world, it is the one unifying factor for the church. Billy Graham once said that, "The ground at the foot of the cross is level," meaning that we all come to Christ in only one way, through the gospel of Jesus Christ. It makes us all equal in Christ; we are brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter our race, background, experiences, or personal opinions. We are and should act as one in Christ. This is the focus of the study, United in Christ.

You are going to hear Paul's love for the church as a father should love his children. Because of his love, he could not stand by and let them destroy themselves, the church, or the message of the gospel because of divisions. He had to speak up.

The teaching helps are pretty straight-forward. As you prepare to teach 1 Corinthians, consider reviewing the following: