Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 18 Teaching Helps: Righteous Romance

Romance is one of those things we don't usually talk about in the context of a Bible study group. But why not, especially when God gave us a book that helps us understand the romance that can take place between a man and a woman? Righteous Romance is the focus of our first study in Song of Solomon (Songs).

Song of Songs is a romantic love song written by Solomon to his bride. We will only be spending two weeks in Song of Songs. This week focuses on the first 4 chapters as we look at ways we can honor God in a romantic relationship. I have outlined the study in the following way:

  • Romantic love pursues quality time (Song of Songs 1:7-8).
  • Romantic love sees only the beauty in someone (Song of Songs 1:15-2:2).
  • Romantic love has to be protected (Song of Songs 2:15).
  • Romantic love captures the heart (Song of Songs 4:9-12).

Remember the TARGET: Your goal is to help adults determine actions that will honor God in a romantic relationship.