Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 5: Free!

I am sure by now you name the actions we are to take in order to protect ourselves and others from COVID-19.  But, have you noticed that many are still abusing the freedom we have in our society. Their abuse is putting themselves and others at risk. This should remind us of Paul's words regarding the freedom we have in Christ. We should not abuse the freedom we have from sin. This is the focus of our study this week.

Our freedom in Christ means we don’t have to live in guilt, and we don’t have to live in bondage to sin. We have been forgiven of sin and declared righteous. We are freed from sin; therefore our behavior should change. The Explore the Bible Daily Discipleship Guide states this on page 49: “We usually think of freedom in terms of being free to do things. We like the idea of doing whatever we want, whenever we want.  But freedom has another side – the freedom not to act.”

We all struggle with sin. Believers can be tempted to think forgiveness and eternal security gives them a license to live any way they please. The Apostle Paul knew this, so in Romans 6:1-14, God led him to help us learn how to live a life that is not “weighted down by the sin that can so easily entangle us” (ref. Hebrews 12:1).

Downloadable Teaching Ideas

Be sure to check out the ideas for teaching from a distance. The ideas include suggested emails and a discussion guide for Romans 6:1-14 that can be used in an online gathering or emailed to your group.

Video Teaching Resource

The following can be shared with your group if you are unable to meet online. Or, feel free to share in other venues as well -- post it on your facebook page, share it with other teachers, add it to your website, etc.

Explore the Bible Podcast

LifeWay is providing a podcast that could be used to help you or your teachers, or could be shared as another option for Bible study. CLICK TO LISTEN AND SHARE