Wednesday, June 6, 2018

June 10: Crowned

The following provides information to help you bridge the first session we missed with this weeks session. Feel free to use any or all of it as you prepare. The downloadable teaching ideas provides additional help. Enjoy!

Summary of First Session: The first session dealt with how David responded to King Saul's death, even though he treated David with such contempt. David's response shows us how we can be respectful to those whom God chooses to lead His people, even when they disappoint us or dishonor God.

Images - The following images can be used, if needed. The suggested use is included in the downloadable teaching plan.

Ein Gedi
Around 1000 BC, Ein Gedi served as one of the main places of refuge for David as he fled from Saul. David “dwelt in strongholds at En Gedi” (1 Samuel 23:29). Ein Gedi means literally “the spring of the kid (goat).” Evidence exists that young ibex have always lived near the springs of Ein Gedi. One time when David was fleeing from King Saul, the pursuers searched the “Crags of the Ibex” in the vicinity of Ein Gedi. In a cave near here, David cut off the corner of Saul’s robe (1 Samuel 24). - (You can see caves in the upper portion of the photo.)

The image is the excavated ruins of the main street in Beth-Shan (Beth-sean, Beth-she'an, or skythopolis). The currently excavated ruins don't date back to Saul's time but help us understand the context of all that might have taken place.

Beth-Shan was a city in the territory of Issachar assigned to Manasseh, out of which the Canaanites were not driven (Joshua 17:11 Judges 1:27); in the days of Israel's strength they were put to taskwork (Judges 1:28). They doubtless were in league with the Philistines who after Israel's defeat on Gilboa exposed the bodies of Saul and his sons on the wall of the city (1 Samuel 31:8-10). -- BibleHub

Imagine living in this city and seeing the head of Saul displayed for all to see.

Closing Summary: As Christians we need to take this passage and evaluate our commitments and loyalties to see if we are also allowing God to use us. When we realize that God is at work we need to respond as Abner and David did. Both of these men recognized that God was working to fulfill what was promised and they responded in ways that can only be explained as a step of bold faith, each one taking a chance on the others loyalty and faith in God.

Ideas for Presenting this Session
The downloadable teaching ideas includes the lyrics to the hymn, Be Still My Soul. Reading the lyrics and discussing the difficulties of having a "still soul" when walking with God could be a great way to introduce the session. Consider using the following video in place of reading the lyrics - CLICK TO VIEW.

Conclude by sharing all the ways Abner responded when he realized God's plan for David. Here is a list to consider:
  • He confronted Ish-bosheth, 2 Samuel 3:8
  • He proclaimed to Ish-bosheth that God had chosen David to rule over Israel and Judah, 2 Samuel 3:9-10 
  • He initiated conversations with David, 2 Samuel 3:12
  • He acted on David’s terms, 2 Samuel 3:15 
  • When he ordered Paltiel, Michals current husband to go back, the husband obeyed, 2 Samuel 3:16 
  • He negotiated with all the tribes of Israel and convinced them to unite with Judah under David, 2 Samuel 3:17-20
  • He continued to carry out his commitment by leaving the banquet in order to prepare for the process of unification, 2 Samuel 3:21