Thursday, April 10, 2014

This Sundays Helps - Easter Sunday Info


Spring Towards Easter - Easter Sunday Information
We are experiencing a very strong attendance so far this year. It is because of your hard work and commitment to not only preparing to teach but leading your group to connect with those who are new and those who are missing Connect Group.

Let's focus our attention now on praying and encouraging people to attend Connect Group on Easter Sunday. Remember, when people attend, it is one more opportunity for them to hear God's Word, respond to the Holy Spirit's promptings, and experience fellowship with believers. What an opportunity we have to make a difference!

And, of course, a fringe benefit for your group might be a meal served to your group during your class time on Sunday, April 27. An 8:00, 11:00, and 6:30 class will each be given the honors! I hope you will use this time to focus on those we still need to reach!

Don't forget,  ALL MORNING CONNECT GROUPS (evening schedule remains the same) are meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Easter Sunday. Here are the room assignments for Sunday, April 20. Be sure to communicate this with everyone in your group.

Morning Connect Group Room Assignments
Jason Polk
Church Office Lobby
John McClendon/Chris Mankin
Church Office Kitchen
Dwayne McCrary
Room 115 (Children’s Wing)
Terry Deason
Room 200 (Conference Room)
Hugh Callens
Room 204 (Library)
Nancy Gonzalez
Room 206
Drew Stevenson
Room 208
Chris Leonard/Devin McAbee
Room 214
Joy Musselwhite/Brenda McGuire
Room 216
Oscar Gardner
Room 218
Clark Harrell/Chris Rife
Room 220
Chris Ward
Room 222
Gabe Moore
Room 205
Gayle Sharp/Rick Rife
Room 207-209
Ray Hawkins/Glen Davis
Room 211
Floyd Gonzalez
Room 213
Crystal Godfrey
Room 215 (Choir Room Divided)
Bob Wies/Eddie Bash
Room 217 (Choir Room Divided)
Randy Berg/Bob Hickey
Room 219 (Choir Room Divided)
Adam Creel (8:00 & 11:00 Classes)
Worship Center
Ryan Denton
Room 300 (Second Floor)
Tom Hays/Randy Godwin
Room 303 (Second Floor)

Bible Study Helps - Great Subject for Week Prior to Easter!
This week's study focuses on friendships. What a great subject for the Sunday prior to Easter!

Never let loyalty and faithfulness leave you.
Tie them around your neck;
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will find favor and high regard
in the sight of God and man.
Proverbs 3:3-4

Friendships are so important in all our lives. They are a basic human need. We love friends who are authentic, loyal, and patient with us. Not only should we look for friends who exhibit these qualities, but we should strive to be this kind of friend. As believers, our friends at church are established in two places -- in our ongoing Bible study groups and in the places we serve. If you will reflect on the friends you have at church you will discover that these two places are the primary places where you have established strong friends.

This is why our Bible study groups are so vital. For many, this is the entry point for building strong friendships. If friendships aren't established here, most likely people will drift away. Friendships are also vital to reaching the unchurched. The most effective mode of outreach is the personal invitation from friend or family member.

I pray that you will use this study to emphasize the value of your group in providing a place for friendships to develop and thrive. Also emphasize the value that friendships bring to reaching people for Christ. We know that most people will at least attend church if only a friend will invite them. We are those friends for the lost! Easter is a great time to invite them!

Check out some of the research below:
I have also provided some PowerPoint slides you may choose to use a well.