Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 15 Bible Study Helps and Announcements

  • New Connect Group Beginning - June 22. Pray for Bitsy Rawlings as she begins a new ladies' class on Sunday night at 6:30. Bitsy has a passion for reaching ladies who have experienced a life-changing circumstance or are simply searching for a group of ladies who will pray for and encourage them in their spiritual growth.
  • Don't forget Midweek on Mission Opportunities. Encourage your group to get involved. Check out the the opportunities at the following link: Midweek on Missions.
Hold Thursday Evening, August 21 On Your Calendar
EQUIPPING U Connect Group Training
More Details Coming Soon!

We live in a culture that loves to blame others, to offer excuses, or to accuse God of cruelty when we are confronted with the reality of personal sin.  Explore the Bible: When You Want to Blame Others, pursues a great discussion on this very issue this week.  As I studied these passages I was reminded and convicted of the fact that I can't blame anyone for my own sin; therefore, I must unequivocally take full responsibility for any and all personal sin. I can't come to God with a "but" or "because" clause attached to my confession of sin.

As Christians we know that repentance means that we turn away from something (sin) toward someone (Christ and Christ alone). But do we really believe that true repentance cannot take place without taking full and absolute responsibility for personal sin? Or, have we been conditioned by our society to feel as if there is always someone or something else we can at least partially blame for our sin choices, thus somehow exonerating ourselves of sole responsibility for our own sin? That will be the question posed and discussed as we continue our study of Ezekiel.

I have provided a completely different approach this week including the TARGET and teaching plan flow. I first focused on the excuses, then on God's message about excuses, judgment, and forgiveness. This study provides a great opportunity to offer those who don't know Christ the opportunity to consider a commitment to Him.

Let's celebrate the fact that, when we change direction (repent) God changes us!

Your goal is to help adults identify places in which they aren’t taking personal responsibility for sin and to respond to God, through repentance, understanding that forgiveness is available from Him.

Excuse #1: It was my parent's fault (Ezekiel 18:1-4)
Excuse #2: It's not fair; You are a cruel God (Ezekiel 18:25-27)

God's Promise
Ezekiel 18:21-23

God's Loving Appeal
Ezekiel 18:30-32