Thursday, June 18, 2020

Demonstrating Compassion - June 21

How difficult is it for you to love people? Do you struggle with expressing compassion to others in our current environment? The study, Demonstrating Compassion, focuses on challenging us to dig deep into our hearts so that we can demonstrate compassion to others during this tumultuous time.

Challenge your group to read Proverbs 3:21-35 through the lens of their relationship with Jesus Christ and to reflect on their recent thoughts, feelings, and reactions  to the circumstances that they have observed and heard. Based on the passage, help them to respond to what they learn regarding how they can demonstrate compassion to others. The downloadable teaching ideas provide details regarding how to guide the discussion.

The ideas give you a "script" for teaching online or sharing via email. This week's helps include a suggested humorous video you can send to your group in advance.

Download Word Version                   Download PDF Version

Consider sharing this link with your group if you are unable to meet online, or share it with your church members who aren't connected to a group.