Thursday, April 16, 2020

April 19: Secured

Adoption is one of those amazing events that God uses to fill the empty heart of a child with the love that only a loving mother and father can provide. Equally, it fills the heart of the mom and dad with a love for a child that is unexplainable, yet so amazing. Paul uses this powerful analogy to help us understand our new relationship as a believer.

Paul states in Romans 8:15 that, you received the Spirit of adoption. Spiritual adoption into God’s forever family is even more amazing, mysterious, and miraculous than physical adoption. Then, he paints an incredible picture through words in Romans 8:12-25 of all that it means to be adopted into God's forever family.


The plan provides some video clips to send out in advance of this weeks study along with some addition materials for your own personal study. In addition, the discussion guide can be used for your own presentation online or you can copy it and email it to your group if you are unable to meet online.


Consider sharing this link with your group if you are unable to meet online or share it with your church members who aren't connected to a group.

Some of you were “adopted” into God’s family at an early age. Because of that, your life may not have changed too much after you were saved. You might even run the risk of not fully appreciating the life you now have in Christ because you didn’t have the baggage from the past to overcome. Yet, some of you were “adopted” at an older age, so there was more “sin baggage” that you brought into this new relationship. But that doesn’t change the fact that, if you are a believer, you are part of God’s forever family and you can overcome, through the Holy Spirit, whatever baggage you have from the past.