Wednesday, February 19, 2020

February 23: Promised

Moses is 120 years old. He has seen the best of times and the worst of times, both personally and as the leader of God’s people, during the 40-year journey to the Promised Land. But now it is time for Moses to die, and God gives us an amazing account of all that took place. This weeks session examines God’s promises and presence with someone who walked with the Lord as he came to the end of his life. As you look at how Moses’ life ends, consider what God desires for you and your group to learn about a “life well-lived” for Him.

Deuteronomy 32:48-52 Points to Consider
The points below are included in the downloadable teaching helps. Other points are included for Deuteronomy 34:4-7.
  • Moses recognized how his choice to rebel against God in the wilderness had long-lasting effects on his personal witness before the people and on what he would get to experience in the future. 
  • Every death and burial during the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness reminded the Israelites and Moses about the impact of sin. They knew the rebellious generation would have to die before they could move forward. Yet, he and the Israelites continued on, pursuing God’s plan.
  • Every cemetery is a reminder that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). No matter how good we strive to be, we are all destined for physical death because of sin. How should this change our perspective on living for God?
  • Jesus and the salvation He offers is the reason we no longer need to fear death. It can bring peace, much like Moses experienced. He knew that his PROMISED LAND was not across the Jordan! As believers we can live now with the promise that, one day, we will spend eternity in heaven with the Lord.
  • Some Christians are fortunate enough to come to the time of death with no memorable, life-wrecking sins in their consciousness. They can die with no regrets. This is the fruit of a life well-lived before God.  Others are not so fortunate. They do have regrets, and they know that many of the sorrows they have had through the years were the direct result of their own actions. This does not mean, however, that their deaths have to be grim, without peace or grace. 
  • How could this passage help a believer, who is constantly living with regrets to overcome his or her feelings of guilt?
View from Mt. Nebo looking out over the Promised Land toward the city of Jericho.

Video Options
Consider using one of these two videos to help emphasize the importance of a well-lived life.

No Regrets!
We live in a world that continually dwells on past mistakes and sins. If we are believers and we have truly been repentant before God for our past sins, then we are forgiven. While we may still face earthly consequences and constant reminders or our past sin, we don’t have to live lives of regret. When we do come to the end, we can look back with a peaceful heart and look forward to living in the presence of God forever because of Jesus Christ! We can live confidently knowing that “God will never leave us or forsake us.” (Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5)

Moses spent years learning to walk with the Lord.  He spent 40 years in hiding and another 40 years of leading the Israelites – investing in their lives, guiding them, teaching them, watching them succeed, fail, complain, worship, rebel, and repent. All of this reflected the heart of a servant! I pray all of this will be reflected in our hearts as we faithfully live this journey we are on.