Monday, April 1, 2019

April 7: Jesus Includes

Are you still amazed at how Jesus does “everything well”? Do you truly believe this? If you do, it will be reflected in how you bring others to Him and in how you overcome barriers in order to bring others to Him so they can be transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the focus of this week's Explore The Bible Study: Jesus Includes.

In Mark 7:24-37, Jesus included in His ministry a person who was an outsider because of a handicap. We can do that. He expressed compassion to someone beyond the barriers of gender and ethnicity. We can do that too.

The downloadable teaching ideas will help you guide your group to consider the following:
  • Barriers to overcome in order to share and show the love of Jesus to others.
  • Actions they need to take in order to overcome those barriers.
  • How the group can help each other overcome those barriers.
A new resource I just discovered from BibleHub 
Bible Mapper: Check out how you can create a map for a specific passage. The map below can be used during your session as you describe the regions in which Jesus traveled as described in this week's passage. Here is the link to the map that I designed using Bible Mapper:

When we overcome our personal bias, prejudice, assumptions, and barriers, and we see people come to Christ, we won't be able to remain silent! When we truly see God at work we will have to tell others! Wouldn’t it be great if what was said of the group in Mark 7:36 was said of believers today, “the more He ordered them, the more they proclaimed it"?