Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 30: How Do We Remember?

When we know the Lord's Supper is going to be taking place, how do we respond? Do we approach it with a casual attitude or do we prepare our hearts? Do we remember what Christ has done? Does partaking in the Lord's Supper drive us to our knees in introspection, asking God to examine our hearts for any sin that might hinder our walk with Him? Does it drive us to our feet in action as followers on mission with Christ to share the gospel with others? LifeWay's Explore the Bible Study: How Do We Remember? will challenge us to consider these questions as we explore Jesus' final hours with His disciples.

After 1500 years, the celebration of the Passover had become more routine and, in many ways, had lost its meaning during Jesus' time on earth. Jesus changed all this! He not only called attention to the meaning of Passover; He revealed the ultimate purpose. After 1500 plus years of practicing, remembering, and demonstrating to generations of Jews, God's plan for bringing them out of Egypt's captivity, God reveals the ultimate plan for delivering man from the captivity of sin. God's plan for the redemption of man intersected with the practice of the Passover. Now the fulfillment of Passover has arrived!

"The significance of the Passover and of the Lord’s supper has nothing to do with what we add to it, but only with what Christ Himself has done. In that alone we can rejoice. The amazing thing is that the disciples and even Judas, for all their sin, did not ruin this meal for the Savior. They did not ruin it because He observed it in the light of what God was doing, not in what men were doing. There is no benefit to rituals or ceremonies, my friend, there is only benefit in Christ. It is what he has done that gives any ritual significance. 

May we approach the Lord’s table as the Savior did, with great joy and anticipation, looking back, but also looking forward to that day when the kingdom of God shall come."


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