Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 19: Jesus' Revelation

Jesus wins and we win if we are believers! This is the encouragement God instructed John to share with us and the early believers facing the persecution of a morally and spiritually corrupt, contemptible, and callous culture. In light of all the events that have unfolded in our country over the past few months, the study of Jesus' Revelation to John comes at a very appropriate time. I am providing a wealth of resources so that you can adequately prepare to teach this introduction since this will set the tone for the entire study.

While this new study of the book of Revelation won't focus on the minute details, it will provide all who study with you an opportunity to understand the overarching message. The HCSB Study Bible states it this way:
The resurrected, glorified Son of Man (Jesus Christ) revealed Himself to the apostle John, who had been imprisoned "on the island called Patmos" (Revelation 1:9). Christ's twofold purpose was (1) to "unveil" a spiritual diagnosis for seven of the churches in Asia Minor with which John was familiar (chaps. 2-3), and (2) to reveal to John a series of visions setting forth events and factors related to the end times (chaps. 4-22).
As Dr. Bob Utley states, "It should be every generation of believers’ hope, encouragement, and motivation to expect the Second Coming in their lifetime (Mark 13:33-37)." I pray this will remind your group of the importance of knowing and living for Christ as we anticipate His Second Coming.
There are some things we can all agree upon: Christ is coming back, only through faith in Christ can one gain eternal life, Satan is already judged, the reality of a literal heaven and hell. It is these things upon which we should build our lives and that should motivate us to be ever more diligent in declaring God’s offer of salvation through His Son to our world. - Dwayne McCrary, Approaching the Study of Revelation
Resources to help you prepare to teach Revelation:
Video option for introducing the context of Revelation as it relates to John's location.


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