Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 21 Teaching Helps: Why One of Us?

God’s Son took on human nature to free us from sin and death. What difference should that make in the way that I live? This is the focus of our study. This weeks study also provides an incredible opportunity for the gospel to be presented. I can't wait to see how God uses this study to lead adults to consider all Jesus did for them so that they might be freed from the curse of sin and the fear of death.

TIME HOGS: As you teach, be aware of two areas that could cause you to run out of time and miss out on helping people focus on Jesus' humanity and in sharing the gospel.
  1. Discussion of angels in Hebrews 2:16. I have tried to provide a concise, yet clear discussion of this in the outline.
  2. Discussion of Jesus as High Priest Hebrews 2:17. While we could park on this and explain all the background of the Old Testament priesthood and how it relates to Jesus as High Priest, we need to be aware that future sessions will go into more detail about this subject. I have tried to provide a simple introductory explanation in the teaching helps that can be built upon in future sessions.
Here are two videos you might want to consider using:

Use as a part of your introduction of the study.
The music is annoying. I would recommend muting your volume.

Use as a part of the conclusion.


Don't forget to choose "DOWNLOAD" from the menu bar to save to your computer.