Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 9 - Our Savior: Crucified!


A HUGE THANKS goes out to the Connect Groups that provided food, prayers, and other help for CLIMB weekend. It was amazing!

Velcro Church Training
Sunday, March 9
Noon - 2:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall

Lunch Provided
Featuring: Mike James, Judson Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee

Learn the principles of a Velcro church.
Learn how to use our new outreach system to follow-up with guests.

We will open up registration next week. 
Be sure to mark your calendar. 

Teaching Helps
As I studied this week, I felt I needed to take a totally different teaching approach. I wanted to focus solely on how to guide the group to answer the TARGET question, "How has Jesus' death on the cross changed me?"

In doing so, I have broken down the study in to two segments. The first segment actually acts as a long transition from last week, ending with an emphasis on how Old Testament Scriptures were fulfilled. The second segment focuses on how the cross changed the lives of Mary, John, Joseph of Arimathea, and Nicodemus.

I hope this approach will help you focus more on how the cross changes everything for those who follow Jesus!