Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Operation Reclamation Reminders and Hints

We begin our focus this Sunday on reconnecting with those who are not as connected to Northside. I pray God will use your group to reach or offer hope and encouragement to those who need it.

As you talk with your group Sunday here are some helpful tips:
  1. Distribute the individual names to members of your group. Don't try to contact everyone yourself. 
  2. Use this emphasis to teach your group how to make contacts. This is part of "teaching people how to study and live the Bible" we discussed Sunday.
  3. You know your group better than anyone else. If you already have a strong system of contacting and the people on the list are already contacted there might not be a need to change. But consider using this as an alternative way to involve the rest of your group in a concerted effort.
  4. If you know personal situations in which a contact isn't appropriate please feel free not give out that person(s) information.
  5. Let us know any changes. If someone is attending another church or has moved away let us know by writing the information on the sheet and putting it in the slot with your attendance sheet on Sunday.
  6. This is about rebuilding relationships. I pray God will use this to help you lead your class to think about those who are in need of a contact, prayer, or an encouraging word.
Contact Actions for  the week of: January 27-February 2